Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into Fuel (RDF)

Harris 2021-06-03

Refuse Derived Fuel(RDF) is the generic name for alternative fuels obtained from recycling. Almost any organic material is suitable as fuel: cellulose, rubber, plastic, leather, its substitutes, etc.

By using professional machinery, it is possible to make MSW to solid fuel pellets, briquettes or pellets, but RDF can also be sold in bulk in a shredded state. Recycled fuel is in demand at metallurgical and cement plants, thermal power plants and boiler houses. GEP Ecotech can carry out complex engineering according to your technical task for the processing of solid waste into RDF, as well as sell individual equipment.

RDF Plant

Separation of Waste for Fuel

Environmental issues related to fuel and its production process are critical. The most important stage is separation in order to remove chemically harmful components. Metals, PVC, chlorine-containing substances and a number of other substances negatively affect the environment when burned. In case of insufficient filtration of the fuel composition, dioxin, phosgene, cyanides enter the atmosphere. Therefore, the production of RDF fuel is a challenging engineering task.

Investors should fully consider the hazardous ingredients contained in different wastes:

  • Particleboard and MDF contain formaldehyde resins;
  • oil paint on objects may contain lead;
  • when organic matter decays, toxic substances are released;
  • when burning car tires, more than a dozen carcinogenic substances are released.

Crushed tires, as an independent type of fuel, are used in the manufacture of cement, metallurgy, and energy. This requires a stricter purification system to ensure that it is not harmful to the environment.


Shredding of the Waste for Fuel

Particles of solid fuel must be shred to the desired size, the process goes through several stages. Crushers and Shredders are used. Hard rubber is produced in the form of granules and chips, waste wood must be shred into briquettes or pellets. For shredding, universal equipment working with various raw materials are advisable.

Drying the Fuel Products

For RDF products with high water content, it must be dried to ensure that the water content is below 10%. Dryers are quite energy-intensive, and this indicator needs to be paid close attention.