Pre-Shredding System for Biomass Power Plant

Modern power stations have almost exacting requirements for combustion efficiency, which not only means more energy is produced, but also less pollution to the environment. GEP ECOTECH's biomass pre-shredding system not only efficiently breaks up bales of biomass material, but also shreds them to a uniform size suitable for burning in a boiler.

Biomass is the most widespread material on earth, such as tree branches, bamboo, wood, straw, crop stalks, fruit shells, bagasse, (oil palm) EFB (Empty fruit bunch), etc. are all very good biomass fuels(Biofuels). The use of biomass for power generation is a renewable energy source, which can reduce the use of fossil energy, promote the comprehensive use of resources, reduce pollution and waste, and has therefore become popular in many countries in Europe and America. Of course, in addition to direct-fired power generation, shredded biomass can also be used for paper making, fermentation for biogas, feed and other uses.

Modern power stations have almost exacting requirements for combustion efficiency, which not only means more energy is produced, but also less pollution to the environment. GEP ECOTECH's biomass pre-shredding system not only efficiently breaks up bales of biomass material, but also shreds them to a uniform size suitable for burning in a boiler.

  • Papermaking Papermaking
  • Feed Feed
  • Biogas Biogas
  • Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel
Pre-Shredding System for Biomass Power Plant

Typical solution

Can meet the pre-shredding requirements of most biomass power stations with a discharge size of 100-200mm. use one or more GDB series biomass shredders, equipped with metal chain conveyor, belt conveyor, iron remover, GI intelligent monitoring system and intelligent dust reduction system.

Benefits of Typical Solution

  • Intelligent feeding + hydraulic pressing + large-capacity work area, sufficient material supply, smooth feeding, and high processing efficiency.
  • The equipment adopts integral tool box + high-strength spindle + high wear-resistant tool, which is durable and has a long service life.
  • The intelligent monitoring system monitors and protects the temperature, pressure, and operation of the motor, bearing, and hydraulic subsystems in real time to maintain low energy consumption and low operating costs.
  • The centralized intelligent lubrication system ensures that the oil in the bearing is always in a sufficient state, avoids downtime caused by damaged bearings, and ensures stable operation of the equipment.

We offer the right technology solution for every application.

Pre-Shredding System for Biomass Power Plant

Ultra-Fine solution

To meet the extremely high requirements of a small number of biomass power stations for final material sizes of 50-80 mm, using the GDB series biomass shredder + GS series single shaft fine shredder, equipped with metal chain conveyor, belt conveyor, iron remover, GI intelligent monitoring system and intelligent dust reduction system.

Benefits of Ultra-Fine Solution

  • Heavy-duty equipment construction for reliability and availability.
  • Dependable, innovative continuous primary+secondary cutting system.
  • Large inlet port, custom knives for various input materials.
  • Quick and easy access for maintenance.
  • We offer the right technology solution for every application.

We offer the right technology solution for every application.

Material Solution

Industrial Solution

Construction & Demolition Waste Disposal System

Construction & Demolition Waste Disposal System

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal System

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal System

Waste Tire Shredding & Recycling System

Waste Tire Shredding & Recycling System

Refuse-Derived Fuel & Solid Recovered Fuel System

Refuse-Derived Fuel & Solid Recovered Fuel System

Hazardous Waste Disposal System

Hazardous Waste Disposal System

Pre-Shredding System for Biomass Power Plant

Pre-Shredding System for Biomass Power Plant

Industrial & Commercial Solid Waste Disposal System

Industrial & Commercial Solid Waste Disposal System

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