Electronics Scrap Shredder

An electronics scrap shredder is a specialized type of shredder designed to shred electronic waste and components into small pieces, to allow for more efficient processing and recycling. Electronic waste includes items such as computers, mobile phones, and other electronic devices that are no longer in use or obsolete.

E-Waste Shredding

E-Waste Shredding E-Waste Shredding E-Waste Shredding

The main components of WEEE include a wide range of plastics, circuit boards, metals etc. GEP Ecotech offers a range of twin and four shaft shredders that can easily meet the size reduction needs of WEEE by providing different sized screens to ensure a uniform particle size between 15 and 100mm. We have a wide range of shredders to suit different sizes of application, whether it is for small devices such as hard drives and mobile phones, or large waste such as fridges and washing machines.

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